Today when each &
every realm of human existence is fast paced; we need quicker health results.
Those who crave for fitness but just don’t get the time like an hour or so for
workouts; what should they do?
Generally when we do
exercise, calories are burnt while exercising. The common concept is that; during a long time of exercise the body enters into fat burning zone with a
sweat. Post exercise time brings sores & cravings. It is told to
bear the sores & ignore the cravings. And of course there is no question of
‘burning calories while resting’. It is also a general concept to stay on toes
& those who have office or sitting jobs / studies are never to lose weight
with their lifestyles. The above talk is about slow paced long duration cardio, dances, or aerobics.
Sprint exercises or
burst training are short & quick bang of exercises that require the
sprinter to give in her/his maximum strength while performing these exercises.
The sprinter must exert fully during those few minutes with few seconds breaks
in the process. While performing sprint exercises or HIIT i.e. high intensity
interval training, fats are burnt faster & muscles are built during and for
up to 36 - 48 hours or more after the workout. Even while resting &
sleeping the sprinter tends to burn calories. Few burst exercises are explained
One set of all the following exercises is: 30 sec
workout + 30 sec break.
Break might be a total rest or slow stepping with or
without arms movement.
On the Spot Jogging
Jog on the spot as fast
as you can with short quick steps.
Tuck jump / Jumping
Perform few jumps fast.
Treadmill / Run to
& fro
Set the treadmill at
the speed between 9 – 12 km/hr and tread for 30 seconds with 30 seconds break.
Run in a room at your
fastest speed possible from one wall to another & back. This way you will
go to & fro between the walls.
Perform all the above sprint exercises for at least 30 seconds, then take break of at least 30 seconds before you start the next exercise. You can chose just one of these and perform few sets or you can perform each of these one by one. Maximum time of the whole workout is 7 – 12 minutes, for 3 days a week. Remember to warm up prior to burst training. Warm up can include 3-5 minutes of gentle – medium walk / run.
Combining all the above 3:
If you follow the following
chart, it will take 7 min. approx.
Do it for 3 days a week.
Burst your fats
30 sec Jog
30 sec rest
30 sec Jog
30 sec rest
30 sec Jump
30 sec rest
30 sec Jump
30 sec rest
30 sec Run
30 sec rest
30 sec Run
30 sec rest
30 sec Jog
30 sec rest
Sprinting or burst
training are designed for better & lasting fitness levels and more muscular
toning while training for a short & punchy duration. Moreover bone density
is improved, stored fats in the body are utilized and those stored fats are
used as energy while sprinting.
Burst train,