Saturday, 15 October 2016

4 Important Points to Consider When You Want to Write a Research Paper

You have done a good research during your studies or your students have written a good thesis or done a great project. In any of the cases you have data; the data that needs to get public and needs to get published. If that data is cased in a thesis book or filed or spread on excel sheets then what’s the use of that hectic work? No one is getting benefit from it. You must try your best to make that data published in peer reviewed international journal. Writing a research paper will make you think out of the box, will generate innovative ideas in your mind, will improve your resume, will give you a sense of accomplishment, and will be of benefit to others. You need to consider the following points before you start writing:

1. Value your work, value your data
When you have a good data with facts & figures, chances are you can write a top class research paper.  Why you want to keep the data and not prove it to the world? May be someone can get benefit from it. May be you; yourself can get benefit from it, once it is published. Yeah I know there is a fear factor of what if … this factor comes when you are not too sure about your data. If you have done hard work collecting the data or extracting the data then you are pretty much on the safe side. You just need to arrange the data properly with clear headings then add proper graphs or charts etc. or whatever echoes with your data. You are done with your data.

2. Adopted a seamless methodology?
While doing research or collecting data, you must have adopted certain methodology. The big question which is generally asked is that why you chose that methodology? You must be clear on that. Your methodology should be in line with the aims & objectives of the research or project. Methodology adopted has to deliver a workable & handsome amount of data. Clearly explain the methodology with all the equipment / software etc. Do not miss out obvious points in the methodology that you think people might know. You are writing for professionals and for layman, so you have to explain everything.   

3. Here comes the writing phobia
Introduction, literature review, results, discussion, conclusion ... hmm...
Even if you have followed a perfect methodology then got a practical data, if you do not write attractively around these, your work is better to be shelved. The rigorous writing parts prove that you have done hard work and testify your work. Obviously you have already done literature review that’s how you were able to do all that research. You must have introduced yourself with the project as well before you started. But to explain it in a research paper needs aesthetic & explanatory senses both. If you write shortly that does not do it. Beautify your paper with proper introduction and literature review that goes along with your methodology. Results should be shown in a way that reflects the exertion you have put into your research. Discuss your results explaining what you have extracted and understood from the project. It is your project who can understand it better than you? Conclude your paper in a way that sums up & shows all the work.       

4. Overcome your writing phobia 
If you want to have your research published in a high impact factor peer reviewed international journal but you have no writing experience, start with blog writing. Blogs are short, provide you experience of writing & compiling your work, give you a sense of achievement, and offer you a kick start. You can review your work yourself and improve it. A blog is far more comprehensible than a work closed in thesis or file. Your work in front of you online is a mirror of efforts put, plus it provides chances for you to take a leap and gather the courage to compile your first journal paper.

For more information on blog writing & expert advice on journal publication see our about & contact pages:

Or contact the writer of this blog through her profile.

Written by,

Saturday, 8 October 2016

6 Benefits of Freelancing and Entrepreneurship to Society

Freelancing is not the Aladdin's Lamp of magic. If you have started planning for future like Sheikh Chilli and dreaming about your life as a billionaire, so please come out of it before the egg basket collapse and you have left with nothing. "An apple a day, Keeps the doctor away" but eating dozen of it a day will make you calling a doctor at immediate. Freelancing may have some demerits, if one cannot balance it with physical and social activities. Freelancing is just like many other professions, you will be rewarded for what you have worked. There are many benefits of freelancing other than earning, not only for individuals but to the society.

1. Constructive Activity, Need of the Time

We are working on the "Sustainable" use of materials so that we can save it for our future generations. We are introducing solar and bio energy to save our planet from excess of Carbon-dioxide and poisonous gases. But we are not thinking to save our future generation from the increasing evil and immoral material that is spread all over the electronic and social media. Its really high time to think over it.

Let's have some examples. I think many of you are aware of that scheme run by government in which village students are paid stipends to come to school. You are also aware with the fact that we are a nuclear power. Why? Because we can't defense our country with swords at this age. Basically, I want to explain why we need freelancing or such constructive activities. That money is just a sort of stipend. You can't fight with those negativity by handing a book on "Demerits of Mobile and Internet" to the kids, nor you can banned the use of technology to them. But evolution of such applications, competitions and website can bring the youth towards positive use of technologies. 

2. Physically Deficient People are also Human

Couple of months back, many of social sites user, including you and me, have changed our display pictures by a Great Humanitarian of Century "Abdul Sattar Edhi", posted his quotations and work. All of us got inspired by the Florence Nightingale after reading about her in our text books. Now we are waiting for another "Edhi" or " Nightingale" to come and help the poor, needy and physically deficient people. Because we can only look down upon them. One more rising issue that is under discussion is Gay's rights. They are also human-being. Its we the, so called educated one, who have made them knocking each door, introducing themselves as "Baji,, Reema!!" and Begging street by street. There are many special person around us that are educated but got deficiency either by born or by some accident. They can earn their education through private or online universities or courses. University of Karachi offers a specialization or master degree course of "Special Education" to train the student to teach those special children and adults. Unfortunately, we the fast running society, moving through signal free corridors, won't consider them eligible to work with us.

Freelancing is a Platform where they can work and make their livings without been mocked.

3. War against Crime

Do you ever witnessed some mobile snatching? Whats make them snatch it from you? Its poverty, discrimination and lawlessness. If a person from lower middle class managed to get higher education and then rejected in interview because of not dressed up to the standards of that Multinational or that government officer has reserved that seat for his nephew who was not on merit; he will ultimately become a criminal. We are the society, who don't need any law and force agency, and can punish or even kill to dead to the thief that has robbed few thousands. While the spectators are busy making video of that dying one, laughing and sharing it to media. Yes, a thief deserves a punishment. but not a killing. In majority of criminal activities, we found out someone very young of age between 12-20.

Freelancing and Entrepreneurship can help to fight against poverty, discrimination and lawlessness. How? Read next point.

4. Online Business Network

First, lets define Entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is the one who have set up his own personal business and responsible to any loss or benefits himself. Entrepreneur may be grocer, seller, plumber, electrician, driver, baker, or whatever. By taking advantage of technology, they just extended their business. They are marketing their products or skills over the city or country or even worldwide using the same social sites. You have heard many of them. All the facebook user have read those funny advertisement of Sukoon , a group of electrician, carpenter, plumber, painter and mason. With the help of marketing and graphic team, they spread their network, enhance their earning and facilitating society by on-call delivery. Similarly, you may hire a taxi by Call Careem, or buy dress or accessories online, you can order and send 3D cakes and gifts to your loved one by messaging in inbox, you can buy or sell furniture or vehicle on OLX, or even you can find a property details on Zameen and much more. These all have become the needs of our rapid life. One who does not update himself continuously became outdated. So if you are a laymen waiting for work at some corner of street, think of some creativity, plan, work and be a part of this race.

5. Book Reading Culture

Race, race and race.. This race has made us a machine. We have forgotten the taste of some good literature, poetry and art. We used to go library in exam's preparation leaves only. Book fares only mean to get some text books that are available in cheaper rates. Books are the Best Friends, but we haven't met them for long.

Thanks to some entrepreneur who realized the need of it and connect us together again. I really enjoyed reading Peer e Kamil (SAWW) online in long winter nights under the blanket on mobile at Urdu Novels Online , now reading episodes of its sequel Aab e Hayat at Alif Kitab . I read few other good novels online. Although you cannot compare it with Book reading but still its a great effort. These are available in either E-book format or scanned pages of novel with author and publisher permission. You can read it for free or with little subscription fees. Instead of wasting your energy on frustration and anger while waiting for your turn in a queue or sitting in a lounge because of flight delay, you can enjoy marvelous piece of writings by our great writers. 

One more advantage is, in case you are posted in some other city, you don't need to carry a luggage of books and manuals, you can find and read them online. There are many books that are not easily available in pdf format, you have to purchase them online. Scribd has solve this problem. You may find there as many technical books and audios to extend your research.

6. Country's Fame and Reputation

If you are thinking that you will be famous by freelancing and entrepreneurship, then you must have started it 5 to 10 years back. You may find a tough competition today. To become famous, either you need to be extraordinary incredible or you have to explore that magic lamp. What my personal experience is, If I open one freelancing site, chose one field say Civil Engineering, next one of it branch say Structural Engineering, further narrowing down my selection to Show only Top Rated or 5 Star or freelancers with 100% job success score, still I can find hundreds of freelancers. 

The increasing trend of freelancing in Pakistan and in other subcontinent's country is bringing it next to the agriculture and textile industries. Foreign companies preferred to work with Asian's employer and now Freelancer, not only because of low rates (due to currency conversion factor) but also due to their hardworking, honesty and dedication. It is proud to see the top rated freelancers with a green flag bringing good name and reputation of their country to the world. 

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Modern Engineering Ceramic and its uses you didn't know

Ceramic is a solid material which is made from the mixture of processed clay, water, and inorganic earthen elements.  This mixture is shaped in mold then hardened by firing it in specialized oven called kiln. After this process, ceramic becomes a rigid material that is high in strength. Ceramic is non-metallic, it has high melting point, and poor electrical conductivity.1 Ceramic has diverse range of uses like in pottery, toilets, constructions, tiles, and in places where thermal and electrical insulators are required.

Modern Engineering Ceramic
In today’s world ceramic is not restricted to plates, glasses and bricks but there are many engineered ways to use ceramic. Modern engineering ceramic has applications in but not limited to electronics, automobiles and airplanes, medical surgeries, paint industry, music industry, and earthquake monitoring.     
Advantages and Drawbacks of Engineering Ceramic
One engineered application of ceramics is ceramic brake pad.2 The advantage of using it over other materials is that it doesn’t stick to the wheels and doesn’t produce much dust. The drawback of using this type of brake pad is that it is expensive and can result in deterioration of brake rotor. Ceramic is used in surgeries also.3 The use of ceramic in surgeries doesn’t require revision procedure in many cases. But for replacement of a hip joint, there can in rare cases be failure when there are ceramic implants. A type of ceramic, called ceramic microsphere is proposed to make environmental friendly paint that also makes the paint anticorrosive.4 These ceramic paints are very expensive.  
Loud speakers are essential for parties, live shows, hangouts, cinemas, beaches or even for a person alone in the home. Engineered ceramic is a part of loudspeakers. It is fixed in the loudspeakers as piezoelectric ceramic ring.5 This type of ceramic ring is fixed into ultrasonic motor of the loudspeaker that allows the loudspeaker to be used where large amplitude or high volume of speaker is required. This property makes the loudspeaker outstanding for a joyous occasion. However, for ceramic loud speakers a high voltage is required as compared to other speakers
            Earthquake accelerometers that are used to measure seismic activity are essential to detect earthquakes.  A ceramic material which is called ceramic substrate was used to make a model of earthquake accelerometer.6 This model showed how to enhance the sensitivity of the earthquake accelerometer. This accelerometer had working limits under specified temperatures and stresses.

Ceramic is a strong material that is made from clay. Nowadays, the use of ceramic is not limited to kitchen pots, plates, knifes, construction bricks, tiles, and toilets but it has find its way to many engineered products and gadgets.  Its engineered applications include components of computer, parts of vehicles and aircrafts, surgeries and transplants, and earthquake engineering apparatus. There are more pros of engineering ceramic than cons. Cons are basically related to expensiveness of ceramic but if the product is working without wearing out for a longer time period as compared to other materials then it can be used preferably . 

1.      Madsen, L. D., and A. A. White. 2014. “Investments in Ceramic Science, Engineering
and Education for Sustainability by the U.S.A. National Science Foundation.” Journal of Electroceramics 32(1): 60-65.
2.      Krenkel, W. 2002. “Design of Ceramic Brake Pads and Disks.” In 26th Annual
Conference on Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures, Florida, 2002, 319-330. Florida: The American Ceramic Society. 
3.      D’Antonio, J. A., W. N. Capello, and M. Naughton. 2012. “Ceramic Bearings for Total
Hip Arthroplasty Have High Survivorship at 10 Years.” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 470(2): 373-381.
4.      Deyá, C., B. del Amo, and R. Romagnoli. 2012. “Ceramic Microspheres to Improve
Anticorrosive Performance of Phosphate Paints.” Ceramics International 38(4): 2637–2646.
5.      Ohga, J., H. Negishi, I. OOHIRA, H. Saito, K. Oishi, and K. Maeda. 2013. Loudspeaker
for Low Frequency Signal Driven by Four Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motors.” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19(1): 1-8.doi: 10.1121/1.4799232. 
6.      Ramini, A., K. Masri, and M.I. Younis. 2013. “Electrostatically actuated resonant
 switches for earthquake detection .” In Mechatronics and its Applications, 9th International Symposium, Amman 2013, 1-7. Amman: IEEE. 

D’Antonio, J. A., W. N. Capello, and M. Naughton. 2012. “Ceramic Bearings for Total Hip
Arthroplasty Have High Survivorship at 10 Years.Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 470(2): 373-381.
Deyá, C., B. del Amo, and R. Romagnoli. 2012. “Ceramic Microspheres to Improve
Anticorrosive Performance of Phosphate Paints.” Ceramics International 38(4): 2637–2646.
Krenkel, W. 2002. “Design of Ceramic Brake Pads and Disks.” In 26th Annual Conference on
Composites, Advanced Ceramics, Materials, and Structures, Florida, 2002, 319-330. Florida: The American Ceramic Society. 
Madsen, L. D., and A. A. White. 2014. “Investments in Ceramic Science, Engineering and
Education for Sustainability by the U.S.A. National Science Foundation.” Journal of Electroceramics 32(1): 60-65.
Ohga, J., H. Negishi, I. OOHIRA, H. Saito, K. Oishi, and K. Maeda. 2013. Loudspeaker for Low
Frequency Signal Driven by Four Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motors.” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 19(1): 1-8.doi: 10.1121/1.4799232.  
Ramini, A., K. Masri, and M.I. Younis. 2013. “Electrostatically actuated resonant switches for
earthquake detection .” In Mechatronics and its Applications, 9th International Symposium, Amman 2013, 1-7. Amman: IEEE.

 Written by,
Engr. Ayesha Alam Khurram

10 Ways to Become a Freelancer

In the previous two blogs I have describe Why to Become a Freelancer and How to be a Successful Freelancer. The first one might only reflect Freelancing as a profession for house women and the other one perhaps give you message that you need to be a high educated and professional to become a Freelancer. Yes, Freelancing is a serious business and you have to work hard to make it working specially in start, but it is not necessary that you have to be highly qualified. Even, you don't need to show your degree or mark sheets to get hired for a job.

In this blog, I will tell "Who can become a Freelancer"??

1. Student

If you are a good student in class or good at a particular subject like mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology etc. you used to help your friends and classmates. There are many job posted on freelancing sites by students asking for help in their assignment and homework. Mostly the topics of mathematics are from Grade 12 mathematics like Integration, Differentiation, Fourier Series, Curves or Graphs. In physics you may find topics like electronics, mechanics, light and waves, energy etc. . You may find student asking questions from Organic Chemistry. So helping such a students will improve your learning in subject. Earning will make you self sufficient.

2. Waiting for Exam Results

So you are on long leaves after Grade 10 or Grade 12 examinations and waiting for results to get admission in college or universities, you might be finding for some good activity. First of all refresh yourself for new burden of responsibility, enjoy that time. After Grade 12 you have a very long vacations. You might be busy in entry test preparation for universities. If you are good student, you can help other students online. But, If you are an average student or below average, you have dual responsibilities. One is to work really hard to get admission in good universities, secondly, you need to prepare financially to meet the expenses of private universities, in case could not get admission in government universities. So what to do?

If all the time gaming have made you a king of keyboard, then you can be a Typists. That can be your profession after getting a degree. There are many jobs of Data Entry as well. Job Feeds are overloaded with such opportunities.

3. School Teacher

There are many girls who start teaching in private school just after completing their secondary or higher secondary education. They are trained to educate Kindergarten child by different interesting and colorful activities. After few year of training period they have have got enough experience to know about child psychology and behavior. They have a big responsibility on their shoulder for which they are not paid well. But their experience is worth and they can utilize their potential by writing learning books and training manuals for kids. They know how to attract kid's attention through graphics, cartoons and coloring. There are numbers of jobs posted on freelancing site asking for such learning books for kids. They can edit a little to meet International Standard and let it publish. This can help them earning money and confidence as well. 

4. Multilingual

Multilingualism has so much benefits. One is you can become a Freelance Translator and Proof Reader. After Chinese and English, Urdu is another most spoken language. Many companies wants to have their product book or brochures in Urdu and Arabic. If you know other local languages like  punjabi, sindhi, pashto and balochi or the foreign languages that can become a beneficial mean of earning for you.

5. Photographer

If you are the one who is center of attention in every family event, picnics and tours because of your excellent photographing skills. It is one of the emerging profession. If you love travelling that is a plus. Opportunities are just waiting for you. Other than freelancing site, you may also participate in different photography competitions like WikiPedia Photography competition for Places in Pakistan and Monuments in Pakistan.

6. Effective Talker

If you have good conversation skills you can help your clients by gather data through calls and advertising a company online. You have heard "One who talk bitter can't sell honey, but one who talk sweets can even sell poison". So If you think your talking ascent and confidence is good, you can be a freelancer. Not everyone is lucky enough to get higher education, But everyone has some skill provided by nature through which they can pursue their earning.

7. Story Teller

 If you are creative to write moral stories, novels or dramas that reflects norms of society and suggest ways for improvement then you must write it. You may write stories for kids, tips for kitchen, social and political issues, success stories, entertaining articles and much more and open a new door of positive thinking. You may write about your country and represent the positive and beautiful side to the world. You may encourage tourism through your writing, that will not only a way of earning for you but will generate a big revenue for your country. Similarly, your effort may help foreign industrialist to invest in your country. Sports activities can also be improved.

8. Unemployed

If you have completed your graduation and applying to get a job, you may find that every job advertisement asks for at-least 2-3 years of working experience. It is not easy to get a job for fresh pass-outs. So if by misfortune you haven't got a good job yet, start freelancing to get experience. The same interviewer who rejects you because you have no experience will ask you where you have been last 2-3 months. So don't waste your time. Start working for your career. Freelancing can be a good internship and apprenticeship. 

9. Employed/ Professional

So you are amongst the lucky one who got chance to have higher education and degrees, and successfully running your business or job. You must thanks to the Giver first. For many of others are just wishing for it. If you are bored with same kind of job, calculations and documentation and willing to try something different, you may switch for some good opportunity to utilize your potential, meanwhile you can try the freelancing platform to see whats going on, in the world, in the fields of medicine, construction, business and technology.

10. Retired

After being retired from a job, you must not become a waste for society. For, you are the gem of society. If you are the retired teacher or professor, you may have offers to write exams for professionals, company employer or aptitude test/ manuals. If you were a doctorate professional, write about your researches on medicines, health and fitness. You may lead a team of engineers to complete a mega project online in some other country, or proof construction drawings and approve it through your licence stamp.  If you are business person , there are a lot you may work for economical and financial researches.

Also Read: 



Wow, did you see how many apples & pineapples have been inserted with rod or fork or pen, or whatever people got hands on?

Does it need common sense or aesthetic sense?
To pursue a totally disturbing & feeble plan that doesn’t necessarily have to do anything with common sense or aesthetic sense, one does not need any degree or certificate or permission or not even common sense as the case is obvious. One just needs to put forth the weirdest idea then make it available to the public. Then people can get as crazy. Don’t get me wrong but yeah, that’s the truth. Who can claim that she/he has not been moved or taken up by that bizarre stuff? Or who has not clicked and spent time on that ‘piece’? Has it not wedged our minds? 

Are we are also responsible to make it viral?
It being viral is one thing but getting to make it viral is who? It is us. All of us. Yes! How can we laugh or enjoy something that doesn’t root out from our very core? It is obvious that due to all these likes, shares, & comments, we are directly being part of making it a billion dollar thing for the initiator of such ultra-peculiar mess. We better shame on ourselves for making such type of pointless ideas becoming viral or cashed. 

Earning billions without brains? What about intelligent ones? 
Purr… yes chill out, bask around the internet to get some well-deserved rest after being totally busy all day each day. Yeah and then you know what? People of that kind, I mean the kind who wants to earn without putting any effort or brain or money or whatever they get that chance. The chance of announcing purposefully to the world that look, look at that ‘brilliant’ guy who can earn billion without brains. Those type of people don’t get satisfied just by saying that. They attack directly on those with high IQ, good grades, high-level degrees, who work hard, who try to proof themselves not just to get ‘famous’ but for the better. These hard workers listen that look at yourself, you spend your hours, your health, your wealth, your thoughts, and your brain so much but you are still not as rich as that dim guy over there.

Is being realistic a stupidity?
The notion then gets strengthen and gets deepen into our brains and into the atmosphere that being intelligent doesn’t remain a virtue itself? Is it not? The notion furthers clues that being famous & being rich is everything and it is a stupidity to focus on studies or hard work. Drop outs without professional level degrees have been given fame already. And now this! The people who can see but who are blind at heart are getting easily trapped by the chime of those who are assigned the jobs of making people astray.   

Beware! Of the trickeries
This is not the first time such craziness has emerged. First it emerges, it turns out to be the norm then no one feels awkward with it. Beware; beware of the gleaming, yet distracting trickeries of the tricksters who have been assigned to trick. So next time when you are trying to focus on your better half, do not pay attention to the tricks, don’t get lost in thinking about your richness, fame, or status. Just do what you have to do! You know better.

Stay focused! Do not be astray!

Written by,