Sunday, 6 November 2016

6 perks of starting your business before you graduate

Once the entrepreneurial notion triggers with in the heart of a future entrepreneur and the idea comes out of the mist, he/she starts planning on how to make it happen. The idea must be followed by a thoughtful plan. The plan then comes into the execution phase and finally the start-up builds its shape & reputation. A person at any stage of life can feel the pulse to work towards a successful star-up.

The best stage of life to go for your entrepreneurial dreams is while you are an undergraduate student. It is the time of life when you are most “free”. Now don’t get me wrong as I use the word “free”. I know there are assignments, exams, presentations, FYPs, and events that keep you busy day in & day out. Any ways, that’s another topic but for now take a look at these charming benefits an undergraduate student can avail when he/she works towards a start-up while studying. 

You can find your technical niche easily
You don’t have to find your interest. You just need to develop your interest in at least one or few technical subject that you feel comfortably getting along with. If you start a glass / wood selling business then what an intermediate pass will do? If you are thinking about any business that is purely non-technical then what’s the use of all this maghaz maree (brain-storming), presence, & attendance at the university? Use your wisdom tooth up to its potential. Get as many professional experiences as you can. Work in highly technical environments. It’s the best time when you can go through trails & errors of your technical ideas. Post graduating, errors might be catastrophic.

Do not “find” your endeavors out there. The endeavors are hidden in the very core of yourself. You just need to clip them & gloss them, then get them endorsed, and finally dispense them for the better.

Making a good team of energetic executives
You are a student, there are 1000’s of students surrounding you. You know most of them. You know their personality & interests. You know if they can catch up with you in difficult times or not. It’s the best scenario when you can actually build up a team of like-minded students who possess similar endeavors. Later on, out there in the world it’s near impossible to hand-pick such perfect team. Right now you have the chance to pick & reject, change the team, or change the leadership of your team.  

Embellish your resume
It’s the phase of life when you can decorate your resume to give it a pearly shine. You can add many exhibitions, talks, events, certificates, internships, jobs, skills, presentations, write-ups, projects & experiences into your resume. You are a student; it doesn’t make a bad impression when you start a work then quit it after 2 months or so. It doesn’t matter, you can always have your exams excuse. In the meantime you get experience of working differently in different environments. But after passing out; an excuse of the sort conveys a non-professional & lame attitude from your side.

Use the name entrepreneur with your name only when your core speaks that you are an entrepreneur

A little money is the reward
You do not have to worry about how the kitchen runs, how the bills are paid, or who is at the door when the bell rings. You can stay put and work towards your idea. If by chance you are able to earn through your project, then bingo you have made it this far! Consider it a milestone then work harder to achieve higher milestones. But after you pass out and if you are just making peanuts through your start-up, then people consider you nothing but nuts. 

Office space is not necessary
You do not need an office at this stage. You can always go to potential venture capitalist, client or audience and present to them your idea or project. They can also visit your project in your university and you do not need to offer them a seat at ‘your office’. They won’t get you wrong because you are a student. You can set stall in exhibitions representing your university and projecting your start-up. No one will ask that where your office is. But after you have graduated, an office space is a must when some client wants to visit to discuss about any project.

Getting approval is on the tips
When you mention that you are a student, you have got privilege already. When you pitch your idea and start marketing your skill or project, people would be interested to listen. As a student you will face fewer rejections. Getting approval of funds or stall space become easy by the virtue of being student. Clients are happy to welcome you. 

Perks identified by,

3 Stargazing Events in November 2016

The nature encompasses spectacular configurations that are most wisely brought into existence for us humans to ponder upon. This chanting universe is decorated with its own aesthetics, glories, and mysteries. We as the dwellers of this universe are blessed to see some of the marvels of the universe. There happen to be such phenomena around the universe that are directly influencing our short-span & short height life as compared to the age & vastness of the universe. The universe is the reason for us to find our path and set our goals.

2016 witnesses some of the exceptional & shinning miracles of the universe:

Dazzling Venus on the night sky – November 2016
The planet Venus has been visible whole October, 2016. November, 2016 is also a bystander of Venus. The Venus is brightly visible on southwest sky half-hour past sunset. It is clearly visible without any binoculars or any other stargazing stuff.  Watch it setting down in front of your eyes at about 7 pm - Pakistan Standard Time, then it gradually moves down and disappears. 

Meteor Showers - November 2016
Few midnights of November 2016, i.e. Nov. 12, Nov. 17, & Nov. 28 will be spectators of astounding meteor showers. Most of us won’t be able to see these showers due to their nocturnal appearances or due to other reasons. But does it matter to those showers? Do the meteor storms that these showers release stop? No! Whether we see them or not, showers are going to happen at the time they are meant to happen. We can stay stuck with our little problems so little as compared to the reason behind the showers. We can just witness even if we do witness. But Who knows the reason behind these showers? How and why these showers occur? That is for us to understand with such limited knowledge of ours & with such limited control of ours.

Super moon - November 2016
In November, three super moons are wisely planned i.e on Oct 16, Nov 14, & Dec 14. On November 14, 2016 the sky will be brightened with a big, bright, & beautiful super moon proclaiming the purity & submitting to the Creator. This super moon will be extra-super as it will be closest to the earth during 21st century till date. The moon will be this much close to earth again on Nov. 25, 2034. Just wow!  

Are all the above less to ponder upon? What else are we waiting for?
How the universe signals us to ponder?
These boundless miracles of the universe were there before we were able to know these and even before we were able to know ourselves. Have we known ourselves yet? Can we encompass each tiny or huge event that occurs in this universe? Do we think that such amazing wonders are just there for us to enjoy watching them? Yes! We do enjoy but there is much more beyond witnessing these natural enchantments of the universe. There are more extraordinary miracles to come & so much more for us to witness! 
These natural events let us to ponder, to set of our directions, to re-define our goals, and to rethink the purpose of our lives.     

Non-tech Stargazer,

Thursday, 3 November 2016

6 Steps to Shed Stubborn Fat Permanently

Train your brain
Everything initiates in the brain. Unless you think it, you can’t do it. Say to yourself that yes you are going to make it! The brain empowers you to put forth an idea or action. Any time when you wish to go against your enthusiasm of losing fat, the brain signals that hey what are you doing? Listen to that signal and stop doing wrong immediately. The signals fade with time if you ignore.

Train yourself to listen to the right calling at the right time to control over your emotions.  

Start at your kitchen
Your eating habits determine whether you will lose fat or not. If your kitchen if stuffed with fat, crap, carbs, soda, & sweets, then how you would ever make it? Replace these with veggies, greens, nuts, fruits, fluids, fiber and some dairy. When your brain is trained and you have healthy stuff in your kitchen then you can timely cure your junk cravings.  
Dining out less is a perfect tip for a healthy fat loss.  


Improve your metabolism
Once your brain is functioning for your goals and you are doing well with your body by not putting crap into it, your metabolism improves naturally. If you will exercise a lot or eat too less or if you have constant cravings due to unhealthy dieting, you will probably shed some weight but that weight might be water or muscle instead of your fat that you want to lose actually. Don’t ruin your metabolism by these irrational techniques.  
Control your mind to fix your metabolism for a permanent fat loss.

Sleep & relaxation
Those days are long gone when everyone was not fluttering with that stubborn technology in the palm of their hands. This very technology that is so dear to us is ruining our lifestyles, our brains, our relations, our positive attitude, our bodies, our sleep, and soundness of minds. Yes, the technology has its own benefits indeed, but side effects are more when we use it mindlessly. Do not use technology an hour before sleep; it will help you reduce stress while improving your body conditions. 
When you are sleeping your brain detoxifies itself for a fresher you tomorrow.

Targeted exercise
Eat right and do some exercise. Exercise must be included into your busy routine. After a warm up, do sprint exercises and do such exercises that target particularly to those areas that have stubborn fats. Do not think that you don’t have time to exercise. That pet technology in your palm eats up your hours and productivity senses. Do you have a touch pad?
Replace your 15 minutes of touch pad with 15 minutes of exercise.  

Have perseverance
Stubborn fat is really & technically stubborn. No matter what you try you seem to fail. You have to try and keep trying, do not give up. No goal or no target can ever be achieved without perseverance. Stay committed to your goals with patience. Once you have achieved your goal, it is good to know that it’s only the beginning.
Stay committed to yourself along with constant struggle. 

Written by,