Wednesday, 5 June 2024
Green Pasta Recipe
Grind SUJI/semolina in spice grinder. Make fine powder. Make firm dough with water. Take small parts & make roti shape. Boil in water for few minutes with little oil & salt until it is al dente pasta texture. Strain. Put on flat surface. Roll it & cute pasta strips.
Sauté green vegetables in little COCONUT OIL for few minutes. Vegetables are ORGANIC & TOXIC FREE spring onion, flat beans, spinach & green chilies. Add pasta strips to vegetables. Make sauce with butter & ORGANIC MILK. Add sauce to pasta.
Serve with baby CILANTRO & cashews.
Food Thy Medicine by,
Ayesha A. Khurram
ORGANIC Beetroot Tonic
سورة المؤمنون
... (كُلُوا مِنَ الطَّيِّبَاتِ ... ﴿٥١
[23:51] eat from the good foods
Wash & peel 1 beetroot. Cut beetroot into chunks. Put beet chunks in a sterilized glass jar. Add rock salt. Add boiled hot water. Close the lid slightly. Put the jar at counter. It gets ready after 24 hours. Put it in the fridge. Consume within 48 hours. Drink tonic 1 to 2 tablespoons per day. Use chunks as salad.
Beetroot Tonic Benefits: Probiotics rich, purifies blood, good for anemia, anti-cancer, liver cleanse.
Precautions: Not medical advice, not medicine substitute, check for allergens, consume at your own will & risk.
Food Thy Medicine by,
Ayesha A. Khurram
Sunday, 2 June 2024
Watermelon Rind Bhajee
Watermelon rind bhajee is healthy & tasty. Rind contains fiber, antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. Cut chunks & cook like any vegetable bhajee.
Avoid multinational food for your health & to not support evil.
Food thy medicine by,
Ayesha A. Khurram
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