Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Global Warming – How it is affecting us?

The earth’s and its atmosphere’s temperature is slowly & continuously rising. The greenhouse gases i.e. carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, & pollutants are adding up into the earth’s atmosphere due to anthropogenic activities. These greenhouse gases cause a global greenhouse effect by trapping, absorbing, & emitting thermal radiations in the atmosphere. This process results in rise in atmosphere’s temperature called global warming.   

Global warming is causing intense heat waves around the globe. Extreme heat waves can become harmful to lethal.

How greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere?
The burning of fossil fuels, trees, solid waste; transport of gas & oil; from the areas of landfill, livestock, agricultural grounds; & industrial activities. All these emit greenhouse gases.   
Deforestation is carried out to use that piece of land for activities that threaten the animal kingdom & global climate. Deforestation is done for urbanization & industrialization. It gives rise to greenhouse gases.

Wildlife, flora, & bacteria
The climate change due to global warming affects plantation, flora, & fauna by disturbing the ambient temperatures in which plantation can grow and good bacteria can thrive. Deteriorating plantation quality & extreme temperature offer a huge change in animal kingdom. Animals can’t find food & water during severe temperatures. Moreover, climate change scrambles up animals as they prepare for their hibernation, migration, & hunting routine. Floral health & animal’s health are at risk.
Due to climate change and harsh temperatures, the crops growing season is prolonged which affects the plantations’ ecosystem resulting in unplanned growth, harvest, storage, & distribution of the crop.  

Health issues
When there is not good plantation, animals suffer, animals get diseases, & ultimately humans are at the receiving end of such scrambling of plant & animal kingdom. Humans are more likely to consume bad plantation & vaccinated animals products and by products. This is one of the reasons that there are awful & horrible health issues globally.    

Displaced localities
Intense temperatures cause the sea level to rise due to ice melting at the poles, from mountains & glaciers. This calls for acute & disastrous events like high tides, storms, acid rain, terrible precipitation, hurricanes, & floods. Who is at the receiving and of such natural phenomena? Humans!
It is us humans who need to worry about when it comes to flooding or dreadful rainfall in any area. There are localities that need to get displaced due to such disasters. Death tolls climb up during these happenings. Then there is monetary need for disaster aid & shelters etc. Humans have to bear all this. All this is largely because of us; humans!    

Loss of essentials for life
Mountain snow & glaciers feed the rivers. But due to global warming there are floods & water levels rise instead of well-paced water feeding that we get from these sources. Plus the balanced water cycle also feeds the springs & water reservoirs which we have disturbed a lot due to our haphazard-paced activities. Drinking & using water supplies are less especially in summers.
High temperatures cause soil to get drier & as a result droughts occur. As a result no plantation then no food!
Fresh air to breathe is rarely available due to no-plantation. Air that we are breathing has toxins!

All these catastrophes are caused by global warming which is caused by human activities that are being held to make human life better. Is it really better yet? Yes, it is better at some angles but other angles have been worsened!


The Dark Matter – Unraveling The Cosmos! Can We?

The Ordinary Matter - 4% approx. of Universe
You & I, earth & sky, oceans & land, animals’ kingdom & plantation, stars & planets, galaxies & microorganism; in fact everything that we see or respond to or anything that responds to human activities comes under the realm of Ordinary Matter. Ordinary Matter includes all those matters that can emit or absorb; radiations or energy from another Ordinary Matter or in other words it interacts with the neighboring Ordinary Matter. Ordinary matter can respond to another Ordinary Matter and can be detected easily. Ordinary Matter has its gravitational effect & can be affected by the gravity. This Ordinary Matter is present in the yet known cosmos out there & down here but takes up the space as less as 4% approx. of the known cosmos.

What about rest of 96% approx. of the cosmos?

What is it composed of? Rest of the cosmos is composed of 26% approx. of Dark Matter & 70% approx. of Dark Energy.

Universe = 4% ordinary matter + 26% of Dark Matter + 70% of Dark Energy.

The Dark Matter - 26% approx. of Universe
Dark Matter has its own gravitational effect in the universe known to mankind. This Dark matter surrounds the universe. Dark matter is within the universe & outside of the known universe as well. Within the universe there are thousands of galaxies in a group & thousands of groups of galaxies and this Dark matter surrounds each one of them & each one of us!
Scientists somehow calculated mass of the specific galaxies’ cluster & total mass of that whole area in which that galaxies’ cluster is present, and the total mass is much more than the mass of the galaxies’ cluster. What is that rest of the mass? It is Dark Matter’s mass.

Does this Dark Matter affect us?
This Dark Matter can make us see a galaxy with its position dislocated due to the Dark Matter between our vision & that galaxy. So we see a galaxy at a point but actually it might be existing at some other point.
Dark Matter is present where you & I are present right now! Dark Matter doesn’t interact with us but it is there! No detector or mechanism made by humans has ever detected exactly or seen this Dark Matter.    

The Dark Energy - 70% approx. of Universe
Scientists have also come to a conclusion that known universe & the unknown universe is continuously expanding because the position of galaxies are changing as they are on a move and the distance between the galaxies is also increasing.
Dark Energy is totally different from any type of energy known to humans. This Dark Energy is causing the universe to expand.
It’s a mystery to astronomers, researchers, scientists, brilliant ones, & lay man, that what Matter & Energy is there and why it is there? And how Dark Matter & Dark Energy are actually affecting the Ordinary Matter which includes humans!      

As for Humans...

I & you...
I & you are just among a tiny winy portion of the Ordinary Matter of the universe which itself is a tiny winy portion of the existing Matter i.e. less than 5% of the total matter present in the universe.
What’s all that arrogance & proudness that reflect out of me & you? Can I make a difference or can I make a difference?
Yes! I can make a difference only when I try & strive to be among those who ponder & among those who understand.
I can try! You can also try! Let’s TRY!