Tuesday, 31 January 2017

3 Discoveries of 2016

The universe out there is gigantic and unbound by the intelligence of human species. NASA has always been discovering new galaxies, stars, black holes, interactive waves, and planets etc. As soon as the humans understood the mechanism of our solar system, we have imagined similar solar systems with some species living close by. As close as few hundred light years perhaps. Exoplanets are being discovered and looked into for the very curiosity. Exoplanet are those planets that are planet like but do not belong to our solar system. An exoplanet named HD 131399Ab which originally might be 16 million years old is discovered in 2016. It is a part of the constellation Centaurus which itself is more than 300 light years from our solar system. The mechanism that distinct this exoplanet from other planets and exoplanets is that 3 stars can be seen from this planet i.e. this exoplanet has 3 suns. So guess what? This explanet sees three dawns and three dusks. We humans can discover such nature’s phenomena and wonder how it is like to get triple experience of sun in a day. Meanwhile we should also ponder upon the purpose of our very own sun and ponder as well on the rising of the sun from the west!        

The ocean and the waters conceal miraculous marvels with in them. The ocean is entirely another universe for humans to explore. The more it is explored, the more it reveals its sensations. The dwellers of the water world are carrying on their duties whether or not being discovered. Ghost octopus is the oceanic discovery of 2016. It was found near Hawaii at the bottom of the sea at about 4,000 meters depth. The point is: whether documented or not, discovered or not, it is there for long & long and carrying on the task perfectly that is assigned to it by the nature. A moment of wonderment! 


Digestive system is studied and researched for decades; even centuries. Doctors/medical researchers seem to know what the cause of an upset stomach is. Do they know or do they know? In the digestive system there is a contiguous organ which was first spoken of in 1858 and got its name in 1878 as mesentery. But it was not professionally given recognition. Professor Coffey has recently researched and discovered mesentery in 2016 as an organ which links intestinal blood and other fluids with other body parts. This latest anatomical discovery is promised to clarify medical students and researchers as they structurally understand the human body. This organ was already there from ever before since mankind knows his anatomy? How the doctors were effectively prescribing medicines for diseases such as inflammatory diseases that are related to bowel movement? Another point to note is that, the organ is there, study is there, technology is there for long but still there are new discoveries. Who knows by the next century the human anatomy will transform into which shape and order?       

From the human body to the ocean and to the universe there is a lot to be explored, a lot to be pondered, and a lot to understand. Are we up for it? 

Awestruck by natue;




Friday, 27 January 2017

Follow a legacy? Or can you proclaim your own legacy?

Every now and then I hear the word legacy. Her legacy. His legacy. Sometimes I hear from amateurs or a group of people who call their work as a legacy. Or I hear that those amateurs are calling a series of entertainment events as a legacy. Other times I hear a celebrity proclaiming about the legacy that is being created by the one. Well, I ask the question to myself that do they even know what it is meant to be a legacy?

What is a legacy?
A well-trodden path that is entwined by continuous chain of followers who are totally dedicated to follow and carry-on the very path. A legacy is a heavy burden for the one who is proclaiming to have created one’s own legacy. The legacy left behind must be blue-printed in such a manner that its followers must not have any difficulty and confusion when following it. They legacy is something that the followers have no doubt about the initiator of that legacy; physically, emotionally, judgmentally, psychologically, timely, and spiritually. 

What is not a legacy?
A legacy is not that a person has set certain rules and steps for oneself then achieves glamour, fame, likes, and shares. A legacy is not meant to be kept to oneself such that no one knows how that person has achieved a so called materialized success. A legacy cannot be created every now and then. It has to be long timed, well planned and certain. The ones who are proclaiming to have created legacy don’t even know whether they will be followed or not. On the clear note, a legacy is not just something that is liked or shared or followed by millions and has no depth. A single person might be on the correct path following a true legacy and millions can be astray. Can’t they be?

A lasting legacy?
Legacy cannot be developed each year, or even each millennium. It might not be developed even when one strives for decades or for generations. It is something that gets developed by clear to everyone and virtuous practices and is transferred from heart to heart or genetically. Legacy comes down from the past and is not bound by time or genetics. Although there can be genetic connections between the ones who bear the same legacy but it is not a necessary feature to carry on the legacy. One may be a part of a legacy and might not know it consciously. A legacy lasts when one consciously, sub-consciously or even unconsciously follows a path and tries to establish it clearly for the later generations to follow. Remember that even millions might be following a single legacy but everyone has the right and guts to live it with their own twists and twirls. 

Who are true legacy followers?
Whoever follows a legacy, the one carries on with his/her own style but mainly follow the actual legacy. They are the ones who spend entire lives in publicizing the very legacy via words and styles. They try to encompass as many followers into the fold of that legacy as they can. They try to live up to that legacy and when they die, the legacy is already taken by many to carry it on.
A legacy that is set on a true path lasts. No matter how many people reject it but if it’s true, those who own it, who struggle to follow it, and who propagate it don’t get distracted from their true sense. A true legacy doesn’t need to be spoken of it as a legacy. Whether or not one declares it as a legacy, it remains in the hearts and styles of generations after generations.       

Thoughts on legacy,

Monday, 23 January 2017

How digitization is beneficial?


In today’s digital era, everyone in a seriatim fashion is embracing the technology to shape the career, to improve social interactions, to analyze problems, to preserve the moments, and to digitize their profile. In other words people are digitizing their lives. The process in which an analog data or information or geographic feature on a map that is not readable by computer is converted into computer readable format and represented digitally is called digitization.   

Benefits of Digitization
Once the data or map or any information is digitized its access can be increased, it can be distributed on massive scale, it can be preserved for long, it can be integrated into software, it can be analyzed in a technological way, and the intentional goals through that data can be achieved efficiently. Digital data on a simple click can be utilized, shared, updated, integrated, multiplied, copied, published, and saved. This is the reason why digital data is less likely to get stolen or get damaged for good and never to be seen again.   

Digitizing environment
It is the environment where we dwell. As we know more about the environment, we can benefit ourselves and the environment itself. Digitizing of floods can save lives. Digital flood maps provide the information to the government and to the public and make them a bit relax while making decision about new building or infrastructure or while flood proofing existing ones. Flood maps can be cost effectively used during planning and implementation of mitigation measures at flood prone localities. Digital flood maps can provide access of flood related information to land developers and managers, property owners, infrastructure planners, policy makers, and risk assessment teams.        
Similarly, digital soil map can be used for planning of crop production, understanding of ecosystem and climate change, surveying of site for construction, soil data management, integration of soil characteristics into other environmental parameters, assessment of soil degradation and vulnerability, and using soil data in forestry and agriculture. 

Digitizing healthcare
Digitizing healthcare can have enormous benefits to the doctors, care takers, patients, hospitals, and rehabilitation centers. The doctors can have access to medical condition of a patient, results of medical tests, medicine that the patient is on, allergies information, and does and don’ts with the patient. The patient won’t have to undergo similar examination repeatedly, won’t have to take same tests every now and then, and won’t have to explain same case many times, will be less tensed, and will get fast action to a particular health condition. Both parties i.e. healthcare seeker and healthcare provider will save time, money, efforts, and will enjoy peace of mind at least in the terms of accessible and assessable information. Digital data of health care will provide opportunities of better medical decisions, will be a database for real-time medical research, and will not be used against medical laws due to its openness and real-time availability.

Digitizing academics
Digital libraries have information stored and that information is accessible over a server or over the internet. The user can get the desired material without being physically present in the library and can access library 24/7 round the year. The library management can relocate, add or remove a particular material any time. The library information can be conserved and turned into various copies to lessen the fear of losing that information. There is no physical limitation to store more information after the library has set up and running. Wear and tear of books and shelves don’t affect the availability of a particular material.          

At this pace of fast growing digital era, there is high need to digitize offices, shops, work places, art and craft facilities, cooking and recipes, finance departments, healthcare system, planning and management firms, and academics and research etc. Digital maturity in every department requires a digital mindset, management that is equipped with digital know-how, agile techniques for analysis and decision making, and digital skilled resources and workforce.    

Digitately written by,