Monday, 26 March 2018

Do’s and Don’ts of detox water with 5 detox water recipes

Do not do dieting while consuming detox water
When one feels motivated and all of sudden starts working out, says no to junks, no to sugary and savory foods, and no to nutrition and then starts consuming detox water, detox water and detox water, then harm is sure to happen. 

Do have proper nutrition daily
It is vital for the body to have proper nutrition on a daily basis in order to function well. Have balanced and nutritious meals, then detox water will show its miracles. Instead, having detox water while body is already deprived of essential nutrients will do no good than harm.

Do not just drink detox water
People are seen drinking just detox water and no plain water. The body comes under chaos when it doesn’t get plain and refreshing water at all. As a result, starts responding to this situation and the person feels sick.

Do drink plain water as well
Remember, plain water is the best drink ever; better than any detox water, bubblies, or juices. Plain water is a natural detoxifier. No detox can ever be invented that can replace what nature has bestowed already. So have your water please!

Detox water recipes
1st recipe: Grapefruit & apple
Half grape fruit slices + 1 apple slices + 1 liter of water
Soak for a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 7 hours in refrigerator.
Or it can be soaked for 1 – 3 hours outside of refrigerator.  

Grape fruit is packed with nutrients and vitamin C which are vital for health. It fights harmful cells, helps in weight loss, boosts immunity, and good for skin & optimal health. But do not be hasty to get all those benefits within 24 hours. Just have a maximum of 1 grapefruit in a day. So, you can add half or quarter grapefruit to your detox water and rest of it consume as a fruit. 

2nd recipe: Cucumber, ginger, & mint
Half cucumber slices + 1 small piece of ginger + few mint leaves + 750ml to 1 liter of water
Soak for a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 7 hours in refrigerator.
Or it can be soaked for 1 – 3 hours outside of refrigerator.  

3rd recipe: Grape fruit & dates
Half grape fruit slices + 1 dates + 750 ml to 1 liter of water.
Soak for a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 7 hours in refrigerator.
Or it can be soaked for 1 – 3 hours outside of refrigerator.  
Dates are usually not added to detox waters. But as dates are good source of essential minerals and various vitamins, they will provide a nutritious tag within the detox water.      

4th recipe: Beetroot
1 beetroot slices + 500ml to 750 ml of water.
Soak for a minimum of 10 minutes to a maximum of 45 minutes inside or outside of refrigerator.

5th recipe: Honey, ginger, & cinnamon
1 teaspoon honey + 1 small piece of ginger + 1 small cinnamon stick + 250 to 500 ml of water.
Soak for 1 – 3 hours inside or outside of refrigerator.

Detox water recipes by,