Saturday, 10 June 2017

What can we do about global warming?

Here is the situation…
We humans via our activities in order to lead our lives with style, we have caused a great damage to the nature’s style i.e. the style of animal kingdom, the style of water cycle, & the style of plantation.
We have caused global warming that is threatening our lives!

Here is what we want…
We want urbanization, industrialization, technological revolution, automation, rise of artificial intelligence, & robots. We need more & more electricity to charge our charge-ables that can lead us to our wishful life with the life style adorned with smartness!
We want a classy lifestyle! That lifestyle has now become need more than a want. 
Yet! We have no style.

Here is what we DO NOT want…
We do not want harsh weather. We do not want extreme natural events like floods, high tides, storms, dangerous precipitation or acid rain, hurricanes, & over flowing water reservoirs. 
We do not want the effects of global warming on us.

Here is what we think…
We think that it is the industrialists or agriculturists responsibility to practice environmental friendly protocol while carrying out their activities. Meanwhile we will stay care free of the environment.
We are just taking care of our bodies’ environment or house environment. 

Here is what we DO NOT think…
Every activity every tiny amount of greenhouse gas increase is by us & for us. We cannot separate ourselves from climate disturbing activities for the very fact that we dwell in the same planet where these activities are being carried out for us & for our life styles.
The land on our planet is surrounded by waters. Imagine rise of sea levels & water levels.
Where will we go then?

Here is what we do…
We have our technology that has stuck to our brains more than our palm. We just worry about our digestive track and lustful daily routine. If we just worry about about gut flora but do not worry about global flora then really it doesn’t matter what we feed to our gut floras. 
If we pollute the global flora due to our stinky life style, that disturbed global flora is ultimately going to affect our gut flora!

Here is what we DO NOT do…
We do not think about making our lifestyle green & environment friendly.
We do not take care of the flowing water when doing tooth brush & taking shower.
We do not take care of the flowing water when washing dishes, dresses, fruits & veggies.
We do not turn off the electricity when we leave the room.
We do not turn off charger or switches.
We do not worry about doing litter on streets, parks, picnic spots, & on the way anywhere.
We do not dispose-off garbage properly.
We do not worry about planting a tree.
We do not worry about cutting a tree for our house’s aesthetics.
We do not conserve energy as a responsible green resident of the globe.

Once we start realizing our responsibilities as a green resident for a greener environment, then we will play our role to save the environment that will directly help in lowering the life-threatening conditions of the global warming.

Written by,

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