Aazar Ahmed was watching the final match of Pakistan v/s India and suddenly the
video became blurring and out of sync with the audio, even the video has
stopped but the audio (Commentary) is continued well but he was still watching
the match with all the concentration. Thus the involvement of viewer is unpredictable;
one cannot control other’s involvement.
Audio visual
material provides the rich for teaching, learning training and entertainment. The
use of audio/video material has been very common because it saves a lot of time
and money in many situations. Videos can provide much complex information easily.
Our research study is all about to evaluate user experience and involvement of
viewer in audio/visual content. It’s not easy at all because the involvement is
not a thing that can be measure by any device or measurement tool and one’s
involvement is not controlled by anyone. For this we have prepared the questionnaires
which contain some general questions and some are specifically related to that
video content that is shown to the participants. We have prepared the
questionnaires very carefully because involvement of viewer cannot be measure
with only general questions therefore we have prepared specific questions for
each video. Questionnaires are also used to check the memory and concentration
level of viewer. Questions that are specifically related to the video check the
memory of viewer after watching the content.
only evaluate the involvement of viewer but when it’s come to evaluate the emotional
state and expressions of viewer we have carried out this experiment by
ourselves and note down the face expressions and body language of viewer because the viewer will not have self-report
his/her emotional state.
We are
going to prove the following predictions true with our research
· • Involvement is highly influenced by Time Duration of video.
· • Involvement is highly influenced by the language used in the content.
· • Involvement is highly influenced by the interest level of viewer.
2. Method
research is all about to find out the user experience and involvement of viewer
in the content they are watching, and for this we used post-experiment
evaluation means first we provide the content to viewers and then ask questions
about the content.
step of our research was that we first split the content of videos according to
the viewer’s interest and made following fragments:
Now we have 20 males, 20 females, 20 children and 20 students as participants, then we further split above fragments for comparison
Then we provide videos, as 10 out of 20 males watch short duration video and the remaining 10 watch long duration video the same approach is used for all groups (Students, Children, and Females). Each viewer has asked to fill questionnaire after watching the video content. The emotional state and expressions have been noted down by ourselves since we did this as a lab-experiment and have used our own systems, laptops and mobile phones for this purpose.
Lecture video testing:
can effectively communicate complex information to student can be powerful
expressive tool if used creatively. Therefore we divided the lecture video into
two types; boring and interesting.
have provided the videos to 20 under graduate computer science students who
have some knowledge about latest technologies in which 10 out of 20 were being
provided by first type of lecture i.e. typical lecture having slides and the
remaining 10 were being provided by the second type of lecture i.e. interesting
lecture having music and animation. At the end we compare the results of both
Discussion and interview
the discussion we asked some questions verbally to viewers and we came to know
that the language can understand by student if he/she listen two three times
and he/she can tolerate the long duration if he/she find something match to
his/her interest level but if the lecture is boring student would not prefer to
watch it.
Comments of viewers:
• It’s informative but not interesting therefore it could not seek my
• Music and animation in the video did not make me bored
• The accent of lecturer is not clear only slides text in understood
2.1.2 Result
2.2. Cartoon movies testing:
and animation brought great effects on children not just for entertainment but
also increased their knowledge as well. Basically our goal is to evaluate the
user experience and to find out how much children involve in animated videos.
this purpose we conduct a survey of primary school where we provide two types
of cartoon movies i.e. English movie and Urdu movie to children of third and
fourth standard. We first provide English movie to 10 students and then Urdu
movie to 10 students turn by turn and get the responses on questionnaire. We
also note down the emotional state and expressions of students.
emotional state of all children changes as they all were so excited and they
don’t know what’s going to happen next they were just enjoying the movie.
2.2.1 Discussion and interview
watching videos we asked some questions verbally to students. Some students
told us that they enjoyed watching video but could not answer the questions
because they cannot get all the words used in English movie.
Comments of
· • Some children said that this was his/her favorite cartoon character
· • Cannot answer the entire question because I cannot get all the sentences
said by the character in English.
2.2.2 Result
2.3 Training Videos testing:
training and cooking recipe videos has been used by women mostly. To target our
group i.e. females we chose cooking recipe videos for testing.
this purpose we provide two types of cooking recipe videos one in English
language and other was in Urdu because we have to compare the results that
which type of video is more understandable for women. We target mostly all the
mothers and housewives who spend most of their time in cooking and are willing
to learn more from videos. We provide Urdu video to 10 women and English video
to remaining 10 as we mentioned before that we have total 20 females.
2.3.1 Discussion:
testing most of the women interrupt in the middle that all the words spoken by
trainer are not understandable in English videos. After that they told that
they did not get all the ingredients written in English.
2.3.2 Result
on the basis of questionnaire, we compare the results of both types of cooking
training videos
2.4 Sports-Related videos testing:
videos Seeks highest degree of attention of the people who are fond of sports
(cricket, football, tennis). Even most of the males just forgot what’s
happening in their surrounding while watching any video related to their
favorite sport.
Now at
last we reached to our final target group of users i.e. males. We provided two
types of videos to 20 men in which 10 out 20 watch a short duration video which
is about only (1:10) 1 minute 10 seconds and remaining 10 men watch a long
duration video which is about 20 minutes. We did this because we were going to
find the user experience that how the duration of video effects on user
experience and involvement.
have noted many different emotional states while evaluating the viewer’s
expression i.e.
2.4.1 Discussion and interview:
we asked some questions verbally to viewers after watching video we came to
know the viewers of short duration video enjoyed it more because there were
only some highlights of the match.
On the
other hand the viewers of long duration also enjoy watching this video but they
got confuse when they were answering the questions asked in questionnaire
because they could not remember all the content because the duration of video
was too long.
General Questions
are some general questions we have included in our questionnaires
1. I have seen this
video before
2. It seeks all my
3. I get frustrated
after watching video
4. Video is
completely useless
5. This video make
me bored
6. Lecture
increased my knowledge
7. This video
taught me new ideas
8. The accent of
lecturer is not understandable
This video is full of entertainment
10. I was
continuously laughing
11. I loved all the
cartoon characters
12. I’ll love to see
this again
13. I fully enjoyed
14. I enjoyed the
music in the video
15. Cricket match
attract you
16. The time
duration of this video is limited
17. This video is
more informative
18. Will you enjoy match?
19. I will try this
cooking video at home
20. Cooking
ingredients are clear to you
21. I just forget
what's happening in my surroundings while watching this video
22. Do you like the
Animations used in the video
also include some specific questions to evaluate user experience and
involvement with the content.
Specific Questions
For example:
asked some of the abbreviations used in lecture videos to find out what viewer
learn from videos and he/she got everything he watched
asked to viewers that who hits maximum sixes in sports videos to measure that
how much he concentrated on video
We asked
to the viewers of cooking training videos that which ingredient was used in
what amount by trainer in the video.
With regard to the previously stated hypotheses, we
evaluate the results on the basis of questionnaires, as well verbal interviews
directly to the viewers and made the final evaluation in the form of graph
The following graph shows how the duration of
content effects on viewer and his/her experience.
The following graph shows how the language of
content effects on viewer and his/her experience.
graphs completely elaborate our whole study. By this research we evaluate the
user experience like what were the perceptions of viewer related to the
content, what were the emotional changes happens when they watching any
content, and how much they connect with content of their own interest.
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