Tuesday, 15 December 2015


Yesterday I read an article that mention Pakistan is a state of Waste Disposal Mismanagement. I don’t know about whole Pakistan but as a Karachiite I agreed with this statement. In fact city lack basic infrastructure of waste disposable due to unplanned growth. One very alarming issue that is never focused in my city is garbage burning. One can find burning waste everywhere even in Clifton area as well .People take it very lightly and move forward or living in the same come condition. However what the whole city is inhaling is air with poison. It is not the rocket science to understand the repercussion of this way of disposing waste in living area. For the sake of very little amount of money employees of concerned authorities usually do these activity .They take out the petrol that is given by their company to transport the garbage to designated location , and burn the garbage rather than collecting or disposing to right location .They  make money by selling this petrol, so double profit for them.  This is a really hideous theft which is not impacting just on one person or family it is impacting on uncountable number of people. 

My son who is allergic I could deeply feel the pain he is suffering just because of this ridiculous action of few people. I wonder if there is any space in Karachi where my son could breathe fresh air. It must be ridiculous to blame our government for not doing any action because they are just busy in politics of stupidity. There is need to raised voice by every citizen and action by every citizen otherwise all Karachiite future will be suffering from lung cancer or other any disease.   

Written by,

Architect Shahneela Farhan for Facebook PF & Google PF

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