Sunday, 31 January 2016


This art is drawn by a maid's daughter. She does cleaning works with her mother in other's houses whole day in order to support her family. She has sketched her thoughts with limited material which was given to her from a home where she works.
She wants a better life, she wants to study, she wants to go to school! But she knows that she will soon be tied to a man in the name of marriage, she doesn't know how much elder than her will he be & of what character. She knows that after that it wont be a happy ending, then she will work in other's homes for the rest of her life in order to earn for her offspring & her in-laws just like her mother has been doing ever-since.
She wants to feel better than just a maid ('masi') but she doesn't know how to? She is just sketching hoping for a future better than the past!

Look at her more arts: Artwork2


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