Tuesday 15 August 2017

Introduce Probiotics to Gut Ecology to Stay Healthy

The world ecology today is threatened with deteriorating environmental conditions. The world needs healthy flora, fauna, and better environmental conditions to cope with its ecology’s downfall. Similarly, our gut ecology is compromised as well and offering us a bad physical and emotional health.

Humans need healthy gut flora to survive and an improved internal environment to tackle the declining gut ecology.

Like there are too many environmental pollutants, there are too many pollutants that human consume on daily basis that are affecting the gut ecology.

Health Benefits of Probiotics
Due to crummy gut ecology; diseases, sickness, and allergies are inflicting our lives day by day and one of the answers to this problem is probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that are part of human gut ecology. Probiotics can prevent and treat sickness by allowing us to have a good digestion and improved immunity. Unfortunately, we destroy these probiotic microorganisms via our unhealthy lifestyle.
At the verge of our regressing health, it is high time we take measurements to restore our gut micro flora with probiotics. Probiotics or good bacteria are present in yogurt, fermented foods like sauerkraut & kadhi, fermented drinks like KVASS, kefir etc.

Consuming probiotics lowers the risk of cancer, obesity, sleeplessness, seasonal sickness, food allergies, mental illness, digestive disorders etc. Probiotics detoxify the body toxins, reduce inflammation by improving immunity, maintain cognitive health etc.

How to Nurture Your Gut Micro-flora?
Fermented cabbage or sauerkraut is one of the best probiotics food that offers good bacteria to our gut ecology. Once the probiotics enter the gut, they join hands with the beneficial micro flora that is already present there. As the probiotics flourish they start healing the body by fighting off the harmful bacteria and restore the gut ecology.

It is good to add a table spoon of fermented cabbage with meals!

Make Fermented Cabbage or Sauerkraut at Home
Preparing your own fermented cabbage is easy. Simply wash the cabbage, peel off its tops layer and throw it. Peel off the second layer and keep it aside as it is. Coarsely chop rest of the cabbage, add 1 table spoon of salt, and keep it in a plastic or glass container for 45 minutes. After 45 minutes; mix, squeeze and punch the cabbage, its juice will come out. Put the cabbage in a glass container, press it with non-steel spoon, its juice should cover the cabbage.

Take that cabbage peel that was kept aside and cover the cabbage with that. Immerse that top layer i.e. cabbage peel into the juice as well. Cover with a breathable cloth; just put the lid on the top. Keep it on a tray as liquid can leak from it. Store it in not too dark place and not in direct sunlight or near high heat. Store it at room temperature for 2 weeks. Each day you need to press the top layer under that juice as it comes up as the cabbage goes through its fermentation stages. Use non-steel spoon or fingers to press down the cabbage peel.

After 2 weeks, remove the cloth, close the glass container and put it into the refrigerator. Fermented cabbage or sauerkraut is now ready to consume.

Do not use iodized salt for making sauerkraut or fermented cabbage. 

Probiotics' Pro,
Engr. Ayesha Alam Khurram

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