Friday 16 August 2019

GIS for MSW siting

Research paper review
Background and Goal of paper
Increased Urbanization rate is the major problem of the cities which cause major problems in the city like unforeseen traffic rush, water demand and municipal waste management problem.
In this paper the municipal solid waste land fill site locations are determined, which are the most optimum one i.e. Most favorable site for Municipal solid landfill. As large land is easily available for land fill but it will be not be optimum ,So the research of author is all about locating the optimum site using the Geographic Information system.
1.      Acquiring of base map for study and using it for making thematic maps through Arch GIS software

Base maps (primary data source)
The primary data sources for the study included the topo sheets of Pondicherry which were used to prepare the base map for the study. Water bodies, road network and elevation maps were prepared based on the Survey of India map by digitization.
 Geology, soil, fault line, water supply sources, and groundwater maps were collected from departments and subsequently digitized.
The land use map was generated through the image interpretation and classification of the Indian Remote Sensing satellite IRS1D imagery of Pondicherry of 22.8 m resolution.
 Thematic Maps
Digital thematic maps were generated by employing the following procedures:
·         Scanning of the available primary paper maps.
·         Geo referencing the scanned maps to earth coordinates.
·         On screen digitizing of the primary maps, thereby generating the digital thematic maps, each characterizing the influencing factor for landfill site selection.
·         Locating the GPS coordinates and entering in the database as latitude and longitude.
·         Conversion of the latitude and longitude data into the point data using the software.
·         Addition of the attribute data to the locations.

The various Thematic maps made are
1.Water bodies map
2.Road network map
3.Land use map
4.Sensitive sites map
5.Groundwater quality map
6.Geology map
7.Groundwater table map
8.Air quality index map
9.Waste land map
10.Infiltration map
11.Elevation map
12.Buffer maps

2.      The Analytical tools use for analyzing of thematic Maps
 The list of factors considered for selecting the disposal sites are as indicated and then to each factors  Rating and weightage is assigned through .
1.Lake and ponds
2.Air quality index
3.Water supply sources
3.Groundwater table
4.Groundwater quality
8.Fault Line
10.Land use
13.Sensitive sites

Then Composite Suitability Index CSU = ∑ ((Wc. Rc) TM is used for analyzing the thematic bas Map ,listed in Table 1 , on the rating and weightage assigned to each of the criteria ( mentioned in above table)
Results and conclusion
The thematic maps were generated, overlaid upon one another and the above proposed algorithm was run on them and GIS based analysis performed. The GIS-based constraint mapping technique was employed for the entire study area and subsequently 17 potential sites were identified for landfill development on the basis of the selected criteria.
Thereafter, the immediate local conditions prevailing at the present moment were assessed and the 17 potential sites were further screened to 3 sites that were the most optimum ones.
The sites were ranked on the basis of area availability


GIS-based approach for optimized siting of municipal solid waste landfill. V.R. Sumathi et al. / Waste Management 28 (2008) 2146–2160.

Review by,
Kamran ullah Khan 

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