Friday, 16 August 2019

GIS Based Analysis of MSW Collection System

Research paper review

Background and Goal of Study
The municipal Solid waste management is necessary for developing country and it required research study to do Decision making in managing the Waste of City and Make Collection points away from the Water source. The wastes produce in the Wa,Ghana are
Wa produces approximately 20,000 tons of MSW annually, based on 0.45 kg/capita generation rate.
• This amount of MSW is composed of metals, paper and cardboard, organics (including food and wood wastes), plastics, textiles, inert substances (sand and ashes), and waste electric and electronic equipment.
• About 13,400 tons (68%) of MSW is collected annually in the town and over 80% of that collected using the communal container collection system (see Figure 2) while the remaining is collected through house-to house system.
This research has been done to make a Data base map of the WA, Ghana to indicate the pollution Risk point on the Wa,Ghana map from which following data will be extracted
1.      The Water borehole Distance from the Municipal waste collection site ( MWSC)
2.      Municipal Solid Waste Collection Efficiency and Ground Dumping.

Data Collection
The data collection for this study was carried out in Wa from June to August 2013 for both MSWCS and drinking water collection sources (i.e. boreholes and hand-dug wells) using a GPS receiver, GPSMAP 62sc, a product of Garmin. The data were then transferred to ArcMap 10.1 (ArcGIS 10.1) software with the aid of DNRGPS software.
Relevant attributes were recorded for the MSWCS and drinking water collection sources using data collection sheets. Areas with open, indiscriminate dumps were noted during field visits.
The water source critical distance from the MSMCS site was set for classifying the Risk of Pollution then the Map is generated in the Arc GIS.

Results and Discussions
1.      Municipal Solid Waste Collection Efficiency and Ground Dumping
The results of this analysis are shown in Figure 5. Out of the 51 MSWCS mapped, 17 (about 34%) had containers and no ground dumping of waste, 20 (39% approximately) had containers with ground dumping of waste, and 14 (nearly 27%) are without containers with ground dumping. Overall, about 67% of MSWCS are experiencing ground dumping, which suggests poor MSWM.

2.      Boreholes Potentially Violating the Groundwater Protection Requirements of Government Law ( Borehole safe distance from MSWCS i.e 30m)
This finding suggests that all the hand pump boreholes mapped in this study met the minimum 30 meter requirement for siting boreholes with respect to the MSWCS while for mechanized boreholes with minimum distance of 100 meters, 15 outputs (24% of mechanized or 15% of total boreholes) were generated which is located with 100 meters.

Abdulai, H., Hussein, R., Bevilacqua, E. and Storrings, M. (2015) GIS Based Mapping and Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Collection System in Wa, Ghana. Journal of Geographic Information System, 7, 85-94.

Review by,
Kamran ullah Khan 

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