Friday, 16 August 2019

GIS Tools for the Optimization of Solid Waste Transport

Paper review

The objective of this study is to suggest the most effective routes for collection and transportation of solid wastes of district Cite El Habib.

This case study was carried out in district Cite EL Habib in the city Sfax. This city is the second largest city of Tunisia. People in this city through their wastes in plastic bags in near containers and then it is collected by municipality. This study is carried out to perform a route optimization for the collection and transportation of solid wastes collected from different collection points. In this city the collection and transportation expenses account up to 75% of the total budget of solid waste management. Waste collection is carried out manually and mechanically.

Arc GIS network analyst tool was used in the study. Global positioning systems (GPS) was used for tracking the routes of collection. Details of road maps, population density, municipality land use were obtained from google earth. Once all this data was obtained it was processed in to layers such as vector and rasters after that route optimization model was performed in Arc GIS network analysis.

They suggested three scenarios S1, S2,S3 and compared them with existing scenario S0 they perceived that all the suggested routes are more effective than the existing one with respect to fuel consumption, time, work hour, and manpower.

Using GIS-Based Tools for the Optimization of Solid Waste Collection and Transport: Case Study of Sfax City, Tunisia. Amjad Kallel,1,2 Mohamed Moncef Serbaji,1 and Moncef Zairi1,2. Journal of Engineering Volume 2016, Article ID 4596849, 7 pages.

Review by,
Ehsan Nazeer

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