Friday 16 August 2019

Geometrical Characterization of Landfill Site

Paper reviewk


disposal of municipal waste is always of great concern due to its environmental impacts and heath threatening effects. Due to rapid urbanization it is now a common practice that people are dumping  municipal waste into quarries or oceans with out any proper treatment . Using an old quarries into a well designed landfill is considered a good management of a solid waste. Land fill siting is major task for the planners because factor like geology , topography ,subsurface  groundwater and surface water are associated with it. There still exist a places which were used for dumping of waste In past but due to rapid urbanization and passage of time they are now  brought in to use for different purposes. Detection and characterization of buried land fill  Via different approaches is  the aim of this paper.
The research paper is  focusing  on the detection and geometrical characterization of a hidden landfill site located along the coastline of the Campi Flegrei, near Naples, Italy.                                                                                                                                 In order to examine different Topographic changes topographic historical maps at different scales from 1887 to 2004 and white aerial photographs from 1843 to 1998 are acquired from the Italian military geographic institute (IGM).
two couples of historical aerial stereo pairs acquired by the IGM, dated 1956 and 1974, along with topographic data  derived from an airborne lidar survey (ALS)
These data set was used to produce multi-temporal digital elevation models (DEMs) of the study area, with the aim of comparing the obtained DEMs by a GIS-based change detection analysis.

Comparative analyses of the topographic maps  clearly showed that in 1943 There is little dumping in the quarry it increases in 1956 and 1974 and in 1998 it is completely filled with waste and reclaimed for construction as shown in fig below, this shows the variation of urban development and anthropic activity with respect to time.

Detection and Geometrical Characterization of a Buried Landfill Site by Integrating Land Use
Historical Analysis, Digital Photogrammetry and Airborne Lidar Data. Giuseppe Esposito , Fabio Matano * and Marco Sacchi. Geosciences 2018, 8, 348.

Paper review by,
Abdullah Kakar

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