Research paper review
and Goal of paper
Thus, an attempt was made to estimate and map the spatial
pattern of annual soil loss rate by water using Revised Universal Soil Loss
Equation (RUSLE) simulated by GIS and Remote sensing techniques. Therefore,
this research has given answers to four core research questions; how much of
soil is lost per unit area of land annually in Koga watershed? How is the
spatial distribution of soil loss rate in Koga watershed? Does the estimated
soil loss rate exceed the tolerable limit of soil erosion set by FAO? And where
are erosion hotspot areas located for conservation prioritization?
Methodology and Results
To calculate the Soil loss in this koga watershed (KW) a Revised
Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is used , empirically expressed as
A (metric tons
ha-1 year-1) = L*S*R*K*C*P
where A is the mean annual soil loss (metric tons ha1 year1
); R is the rain fall erosivity factor [MJ mm h-1 ha-1
year-1]; K is the soil erodibility factor [metric tons ha-1
MJ-1mm-1]; LS is the slope length–steepness factor
(dimensionless); C is the cover and management factor (dimensionless, ranges
from zero to one); and P is the erosion support practice or land management
factor (dimensionless, and ranges from zero to one).
map of each RUSLE parameters derived from different data source were produced
and finally the Soil Loss Map was generated
Soil loss estimation using GIS and Remote sensing techniques: A case of Koga watershed, Northwestern Ethiopia. H.S. Gelagay, A.S. Minale / International Soil and Water Conservation Research 4 (2016) 126–136.
Review by,
Kamran ullah Khan
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