Thursday, 8 September 2016

Six Money Earning Techniques through Blogging

What you should do to earn from blog?

Set-up your own platform that rhythms with your basic engineering or technical skills and that fathoms your core field of engineering or core field of study. The field that you are graduating in is likely to be your passion if you think about it. Imagine more than 40 subjects you have been enrolled in and you couldn’t find one of your interest? Yes sure you can have multiple interests and you can multi-task but give at least one engineering subject or field subject your priority and be the entrepreneur of the same.

Do you brain-storm with subjects?
Someone might love painting but it doesn’t mean that one will abandon his/her core engineering capabilities. This can unfavorably result in losing all those neural connections that were developed in the brain while brain-storming with the engineering subjects. Either those neural connections will diminish or will replace with other sort of negative neural connections.   
Ever wondered about anyone who didn’t get chance to enroll as an engineering student can be a professional blogger or whatever but can never be a professional engineer. You can be both! Push your limits and don’t under-utilize your skills by opening a non-engineering startup just for the sake of opening a startup.

Live up to your engineering potential!

How can you earn from blogging?

1. Technical products / services
Any app or software or online art that you can do well, you can offer the services of the same. If you are good at any programming language or software or whatever related to your field, write about it into your blog and offer direct services linked to that. If you are passionate enough you can offer products based on your skill level. You can market search and offer a pre-prepared project that has high demand and less supply. Put some economics into it man, that’s why engineers study ‘engineering economics’. You can also offer coaching of your subject, skill, software etc.    

2. Technological writing
Write about your technical skills, technical findings, technical endeavors, and technical research. Not that you start writing research papers that are eligible to get published in international peer-reviewed journal into your blog, but still write something about your research or project. This will market your interest and skills. You are a skilled person in your domain and you can offer technological writing for projects or research. This will also polish your papers writing skills and will serve as a path to your papers publication. You can learn about the technology more as you opt to write about it.

3. EBooks
It is a smart way to earn. You better write blogs related to your EBook topics and promote those so people start knowing you. Returning viewers are more interested to buy your EBook. Two types of EBooks are more likely to get sold:   
(1) Those that have a ‘solution’ to a ‘problem’. People are intended to buy EBooks that address their questions. A focused search online can reveal the dimensions into which the write-up can go.
(2) Those that are thrilling or fun filled so that people can pass some quiet leisure time.    

4. Art & craft or design
If you are good at any art or have a hobby, why not earn from it? If you are into painting, share your paintings on blogs, you can offer paintings on various rates. You can also offer raw material for painting on reasonable prices. If you do crafts work or decorative works, you can blog about that and monetize your craft by selling. You can also offer customized art & craft, accessories, and decorative designs etc.

5. Cooking
Recipes are the things that never get old. No matter how many times you share a same basic recipe with same basic ingredients; with a little twist & whirl it’s sure to get popular. People want food, it keeps them going. Write about your recipes and cooking experiences. Offer recipes that ‘solve’ the ‘problems’ like weight gaining, weight loss, dairy free, gluten free, specific diet and organic items etc. You can also offer ingredients, cooking tools or utensils included in your recipes on reasonable prices. You can write E-Cookbook as well. Or cater from home can you?   

6. Set up a blog
If you are passionate about let’s say traveling or just random thoughts, set up a good blog. You can coach about how to set up a good blog, offer blogging services. Find some monetizing strategies that offer travel services or accessories.  

The bottom line is you have to focus, try, and work to earn. There are no money trees out there.  

Blog differently,

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