Friday 6 November 2015

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing is a technology which is required to collect information about an object or to observe a medium without coming in direct contact with that object or medium. Remote sensing is done using devices that are fitted on the ground, aircrafts, sea vessels, or satellites. Remote sensing technology makes available unique information of our planet and gives us a broader vision. A totally new perspective is achieved when we look at earth via remote sensors fitted in the satellites. A different outlook is unlocked as compared to what we see standing on the earth. Satellite remote sensing caters the understanding of earth’s dynamic environment that affects the biodiversity. It’s through remote sensing technology we know that earth is having a fever. Working with remote sensing technology is a phenomenal experience a person can get. 

“Man must rise above the Earth - to the top of the atmosphere and beyond - for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he dwells.” Socrates

There are two types of remote sensing technologies:
Passive remote sensing technology
This technology is used to record radiations coming from an object or area. For example: An infrared camera that records heat coming from an object or a camera that registers the sunlight that is reflected from an area.   
Active remote sensing technology
In this technology, the remote sensing device sends out its own signal to any object and then receives back that signal to collect information about that object. For example: A remote sensor that is affixed in an aircraft and is using a pulsed laser to gather location or shape of the surface below it.    
Written by,
Engr. Ayesha Alam Khurram                  

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